Brent Von Horn

Photography site

Brent “Nautic” Von Horn
“Life” pulled me away from theatre. In high school and college years, I loved the theatre, everything about it. Summer stock, musicals, school plays. I ditched my med school plans and graduated with a theatre degree, worked in almost every professional and community theatre in San Diego, then moved to LA for a movie spot as “assistant assistant cameraman (which meant I laid a lot of dolly track). I turned my love of photography into a headshot business, back when actors needed black and white 8x10s. I went to law school, and returned to LA to be an entertainment attorney, breaking in with clients such as Mattel Toys and Richard Moll (you remember Bull from Night Court?) … but then … I let life get in the way of my dreams. For many long years I did nothing creative. In 2018 I emerged from my cocoon, though whether as a butterfly or moth is yet to be seen. Now, I’m writing again – I have always considered myself first and foremost a “writer” – I’ve built a studio to resurrect my headshot business, I made a short film that’s gotten into a few festivals, and I’m working as 1 st AD on a feature film.
But most importantly, I’ve reached out and become involved in the vast networks of independent and professional filmmakers, and I’ve realized my story isn’t that different. We all go through periods of creativity and … whatever the opposite of creativity is: Depression? Sluggishness? Fear? Distraction? I love a quote from Robin Williams, “You’re only given a little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it.” I lost mine, when I learned to be sensible, but I’m getting it back.

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